Friday 15 March 2013

Rails not finding PostgreSQL database -

Rails not finding PostgreSQL database -

i trying switch first rails app sqlite postgresql. using nitrous box development , when tried switch postgre , deploy heroku didn't work i'm trying utilize postgre on nitrous. using rails 4.1.6.

first followed these steps:

but getting error saying "psql: not connect server: no such file or directory" installed psql next steps no. 4 , 5 this:

in particular ran "parts install postgresql" , "parts start postgresql" on nitrous box. postgres version 9.2.4.

and added line database.yml file of "host: localhost" looks like:

default: &default adapter: postgresql host: localhost pool: 5 timeout: 5000 development: <<: *default database: db/db_development ...

and gemfile includes:

gem 'pg'

my table called "movies" , if type "psql db/db_development" , "select * movies;" can see table. can't access rails console active record.

ruby-on-rails postgresql heroku nitrousio

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