Friday 15 March 2013

java - Manual code computing -

java - Manual code computing -

studying exams have been given lot of code manually compute. question throwing me loop.

public static int[] mystery(int x) { int[] result = new int[x / 2]; (int = 0; < x/2; i++) { result[i] = (i * i) % x; } homecoming result; }


mystery(5) mystery(10)

what computed [0, 1] mystery(5) , [0, 1, 4, 4, 1] mystery(10); however, believe answers not correct.

when going questions these, strategies may help lead me reply faster? also if conclude reply steps took arrive @ answer?

your reply mystery(5) correct. array mystery(10) should contain [0,1,4,9,6], since you're calculating square numbers mod 10 in case.

in sentiment there no strategy result faster. it's experience in reading code.

the steps took particular reply basically

look @ argument (x=10) look argument appears , insert it go through code step step look @ first line -> int division -> array has size 5 look @ loop, insert argument , work concrete numbers -> for(int = 0; < 5; i++) => i goes 0 4 look @ look , decide, values changing , ones fixed -> result[i] = (i*i)%10; think, loop => ith square number mod 10 goes array @ index i so result should [0,1,4,9,6]

java arrays loops

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