Wednesday 15 January 2014

c# - DateTime.AddDays what value to pass to generate an exception -

c# - DateTime.AddDays what value to pass to generate an exception -

i have little utility class generate hash code input data. class & algorithm not important question looks below:

public static class hashcodehelper { /// <summary> /// homecoming hash code added link in download data. /// </summary> /// <param name="basedatetime">today's date</param> /// <param name="rrid">profile id</param> /// <param name="downloadcode">download code used hash code generation.</param> /// <returns>final result string in format "20140715385"</returns> public static string generatehashcodeforexportlink(datetime basedatetime, int rrid, string downloadcode) { var todaydate = basedatetime; int expireindays; if (!int.tryparse(configurationmanager.appsettings["exportlinkexpireindays"], out expireindays)) expireindays = 30; // if not specified in web.config file utilize default value var expirydate = todaydate.adddays(expireindays); var currentday =; var expirymonth = expirydate.month; char nthchar = convert.tochar(downloadcode.substring(expirymonth - 1, 1)); var asciivalue = (int)nthchar; var mod = (rrid % currentday); var computedhash = (asciivalue * expirymonth) + currentday + mod; var fullhashcode = todaydate.tostring("yyyymmdd") + computedhash; homecoming fullhashcode; } }

i writing unit test cases class , realized adddays() can throw argumentoutofrangeexception, below line:

var expirydate = todaydate.adddays(expireindays);

so should write test , did write below test case:

[testmethod] public void generatehashcodeforexportlink_incorrectdate_throw() { seek { hashcodehelper.generatehashcodeforexportlink(new datetime(2015, 1, 31), 501073, "001-345-673042");"exception not thrown"); } grab (argumentoutofrangeexception) { } grab (exception) {"incorrect exception thrown"); } }

the problem is, not know pass cause adddays() method throw exception? tried passing random dates e.g. 1-1-1800, 30-jan-2015, etc.

i looked @ adddays() method implementation not create out. idea?

if pass in int.maxvalue, should end value outside representable range datetime, whatever original datetime is.

sample code, tested on


using in finally block error though... always called. it's not clear test framework is, i'd expect like:

assert.throws<argumentoutofrangeexception>(() => /* code here */);

c# unit-testing

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