Wednesday 15 January 2014

swift - iOS 8 Game with SpriteKit for any device -

swift - iOS 8 Game with SpriteKit for any device -

i'm creating simple game using sprite kit in swift. game has simple grid of spritekitnodes , inquire what's improve way develop devices in single shot.

i've learned new size classes feature in storyboard used here in spritekit? how implement constraint via code?

here i'm creating nodes in determined positions of course of study needs manipulated depending of size of device.

func addnodetoscene(x: cgpoint,y: cgpoint) { allow node = skspritenode(color: self.colorofspritenode, size: cgsize(width: 50, height: 50)) node = string(format: "node%d", self.nodeidentifier) ++self.nodeidentifier node.position = cgpoint(x: x, y: y) addchild(node) }

i've checked class skcontraint, used purpose?

here how determine if on ipad (this code objective c should real easy convert swift)

if ( ui_user_interface_idiom() == uiuserinterfaceidiompad ) { homecoming yes; /* device ipad */ }

and here post incase want determine more specific iphone sizes: detecting iphone 6/6+ screen sizes in point values

-hi rawr

ios swift sprite-kit size-classes

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