Saturday, 15 February 2014

c# - What is the meaning of the SVN statuses ContentStatus, NodeStatus, PropertyStatus, TextStatus? -

c# - What is the meaning of the SVN statuses ContentStatus, NodeStatus, PropertyStatus, TextStatus? -

i writing hookscript tortoisesvn using c# , sharpsvn.

it needs list of external files/dirs have been modified. using method svnclient.status() recursively returns svnstatuseventargs objects. these objects have properties localcontentstatus, localnodestatus, localpropertystatus , localtextstatus. know have utilize these properties determine dealing (an external link, modified file, ...) don't know these properties mean.

correct me if i'm wrong, think localtextstatus kind of display name of status , localpropertystatus status of path's properties (e.g. svn:externals or svn:needs-lock).

thank you

contentstatus refers status of file contents. illustration if have modified file, contentstatus modified. contentstatus folder not used , either none or not set.

propertystatus refers properties of file or folder.

nodestatus refers file or folder itself. illustration status added, deleted show here, of course of study not status modified

c# svn tortoisesvn sharpsvn

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