Saturday 15 February 2014

java - JPA\Hibernate: Persisted list of entities in Singleton -

java - JPA\Hibernate: Persisted list of entities in Singleton -

i have singleton manages list of entities in db.

public class schedulledqueue { list<myentity> entities; }

i need store list in database. want single table contains entities singleton grab data.

table schedulled_queue ( entity_id character varying(32), constraint schedulled_queue foreign key (entity_id) references tbl_my_entity (entity_id) match simple )

is there way map singleton schedulledqueue in hibernate accomplish this? or should not bother such thing?

if have multiple schedulledqueue objects makes sense have 1 many relation between schedulledqueue , myentity.

since schedulledqueue in singleton. don't see advantage of creating entity of it.

java hibernate jpa design-patterns singleton

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