Saturday 15 February 2014

oracle11g - ADF Faces custom component and javascript function -

oracle11g - ADF Faces custom component and javascript function -

i'm using adf faces librairies , made custom component display graph using d3js. in component import lot of javascript code wrote in separate js files. there js code handling buttons' click event. component displaying fine , behave way want except on button's click, each time click button, js function executed after page reloaded. how prevent page reload on button's click ?

buttons created using javascript , d3js librairie

zoompanel.selectall("button").data([zoom1, zoom2, zoom3]).enter().append("button"); buttons = zoompanel.selectall("button"); buttons .attr("id", function(zp) { homecoming; }) .attr("class", "btn btn-default") .text(function(zp) { homecoming zp.text; }) .on("click", function(zp) { zoomevent(zp); });

thank you.

i found forgot add together type attribute. in case adding type button fixed issue.

not sure if solve problem,but seek setting partial-submit property on button (command-button not go-button) , should prevent page refresh. more here.

javascript oracle11g oracle-adf

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