Saturday 15 February 2014

php - Pass variable to all views created in a Laravel Controller -

php - Pass variable to all views created in a Laravel Controller -

i'm organizing website in sections, should visible @ first glance on navigation bar (with active class on appropriate link). @ moment, i'm checking each link in navbar if current url matches 1 link, it's working 1 url in each case. should :

article ----------------> article section article/create -----> article section article/edit --------> article section forum -------------------> forum section forum/post/12345 -> forum section

since "sections" utilize controllers, thinking maybe implement way (maybe using constructor) pass variable (section) views returned controller, layout can have access , set active class on proper link.

but don't want have return view::make('myview')->with('section', $this->section); everytime

anyone knows how accomplish ? thanks.

you should utilize request::segment(1) compare section.

if url article/create , utilize request::segment(1) homecoming article , not article/create

and in fact, don't have pass blade in case, because should visible:

@if (request::segment(1) == 'article') class="active" @endif

php laravel laravel-4 blade

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