Saturday, 15 February 2014

Play image sequence using Qt QMainWindow -

Play image sequence using Qt QMainWindow -

i have image sequence rendered out. want payback in simple qmainwindow or qdialog. have sofar. loads images qlabel, cant see label beingness updated, show lastly loaded image, , nil in between. maybe knows something?

from pyside import qtcore, qtgui import shiboken import maya.openmayaui apiui import time def getmayawindow(): """ main maya window qtgui.qmainwindow instance @return: qtgui.qmainwindow instance of top level maya windows """ ptr = apiui.mqtutil.mainwindow() if ptr not none: homecoming shiboken.wrapinstance(long(ptr), qtgui.qwidget) class viewer(qtgui.qmainwindow): def __init__(self, parent = getmayawindow()): super(viewer, self).__init__(parent) self.setgeometry(400, 600, 400, 300) self.setui() def setui(self): self.label = qtgui.qlabel() self.setcentralwidget(self.label) def showui(self): def loadimage(self, path): self.label.clear() image = qtgui.qimage(path) pp = qtgui.qpixmap.fromimage(image) self.label.setpixmap(pp.scaled( self.label.size(), qtcore.qt.keepaspectratio, qtcore.qt.smoothtransformation)) x = viewer() x.showui() in range(1, 11): x.loadimage("c://anim%03d.png" % i) time.sleep(0.5)

you alter pixmaps in loop , sleep (stop) gui thread, that's why gui freeze.

it not correct. qlabel.repaint() bad solution because still blocks gui. of course of study can utilize processevents bad approach too.

you should utilize qtimer purpose, utilize timeout() signal, create slot , alter pixmaps in slot. in case gui not blocked because qtimer works asynchronously , images successfuly changed.

same code loop , sleep can help when code execute in thread (multi threading) not necessary because there special class qtimer.

image qt sequence playback

1 comment:

  1. Sleep() function actually suspends the processing of the thread in which it is called by the operating system, allowing other threads and processes to execute while it sleeps. With multiple threads and processes, sleep() suspends your thread - it uses next to zero processing power.
