Saturday 15 February 2014

Using a Swift protocol in Objective-C -

Using a Swift protocol in Objective-C -

i'm working on converting project objective-c swift, , swift class i'm using, have protocol i'm trying access in objective-c class. problem is, delegate not accessible in objective-c class. here swift class:

protocol ratebuttondelegate { func ratebuttonpressed(rating: int) } class ratebuttonview: uiview { var delegate: ratebuttondelegate? var divider1: uiview! var divider2: uiview! }

when @ myproject-swift.h file, don't see delegate:

@interface ratebuttonviewtest : uiview @property (nonatomic) uiview * divider1; @property (nonatomic) uiview * divider2; @end

and when seek utilize ratebuttonview.delegate in objective-c class, compiler error.

anyone know issue? how access swift protocol in objective-c?

you need mark protocol @objc attribute accessible objective-c:

@objc protocol ratebuttondelegate { func ratebuttonpressed(rating: int) }

this page apple's documentation covers issue.

objective-c swift delegates

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