Saturday, 15 February 2014

web services - What is the correct way of returning a file in a Rest webservice request? -

web services - What is the correct way of returning a file in a Rest webservice request? -

i need homecoming file in webservice. bit in uncertainty of best/correct/execpted way. (i using json).

i can:

simply homecoming file (as normal download) right mime type, etc. via http encode de file (eg: base64 or other) , send within json answer return json reply url file can found.

all 3 valid, depending on client's needs, why not create client's choice?

let's it's image/jpeg file:

if client sent accept: image/jpeg header, homecoming file normal download.

if client sent accept: image/jpeg header , accept-encoding: base64, homecoming normal download, base64 encoded.

if client sends accept: text/uri-list header, homecoming plain text response uri image stored somewhere else.

there no standard mimetypes homecoming base64 or links within json, can utilize standard of own , create vnd mimetype, long document it.

web-services file rest

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