Saturday 15 March 2014

curl - Octave doesn't read google spreadsheet -

curl - Octave doesn't read google spreadsheet -

urlread fails open spreadsheet available link. opens browser, urlread gives error:

octave:1> a=urlread(''); error: urlread: curl: peer certificate cannot authenticated given ca certificates

is there way import google spreadsheet octave program?

this seems work, need link google spreadsheet can view assume have because end of url posted contains "sharing".

octave:1> urlwrite("", "filename.csv") octave:2> = load("filename.csv") = 1 23 4 5 1 6 3 7 1 6 6 7

replace ... id of google spreadsheet.

the key component here /d/.../export?format=csv specifies download of file csv. google spreadsheets supports several different filetypes if don't want utilize csv.

curl octave google-docs

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