Saturday 15 March 2014

java - Bound JNDI name in Spring RmiServiceExporter -

java - Bound JNDI name in Spring RmiServiceExporter -

i have create plain rmi phone call remote client nowadays in jvm in weblogic server. remote server exposes spring beans rmi object via rmiserviceexporter , works fine, if using sun.jndi.remotecontextfactory context mill , rmi://host:rmiport provider url.

since context mill doesn't belong weblogic, i'm not able utilize weblogic server features security, weblogic transaction etc., part of rmi call.

as part of weblogic documentation, stated weblogic supports rmi through jndi. need clarifications regarding next questions:

can utilize jndirmiserviceexporter in server expose beans rmi objects ?

but per spring documentation stated jndirmiserviceexporter should used "rmi-iiop (corba)" based operation, interoperability between non-java platform. in case between java objects.

if export beans through jndirmiserviceexporter, remoting, rmi features dgc, etc., not part of code. afraid rmi-iiop (corba) not avail total portability of complex objects since has perform platform independent operations.

can export spring beans through rmiserviceexporter & bind exported object through jndi? remote client can access remote objects using jndi names, can avail weblogic server features? possible , technically correct?

java spring weblogic rmi spring-remoting

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