Saturday 15 March 2014

opengl - glReadPixels: Stack around variable was corrupted after read pixels -

opengl - glReadPixels: Stack around variable was corrupted after read pixels -

i trying utilize glreadpixels() read window of 5 * 5 pixels. here code.

const unsigned int window_size = 5; const unsigned int nb_components = 3; glubyte array[nb_components * window_size * window_size]; glreadpixels( 0, 0, window_size, window_size, gl_rgb, gl_unsigned_byte, array);

yet code causes next error in visual studio: "stack around variable array corrupted"

if add together +4 size of array works fine. knows why?

since you're using gl_rgb create sure gl_pack_alignment set 1.

opengl stack glreadpixels

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