Tuesday 15 April 2014

How to Draw Arrowline in android.graphics.Path with correct configerations -

How to Draw Arrowline in android.graphics.Path with correct configerations -

what have tried:

i'm trying display arrow line next code

path marrowpath=new paint();; marrowpath.rewind(); marrowpath.moveto(0, mheight / 2); marrowpath.lineto(mwidth / 2, 0); marrowpath.lineto(mwidth, mheight / 2); marrowpath.lineto(mwidth * 3 / 4, mheight / 2); marrowpath.lineto(mwidth * 3 / 4, mheight); marrowpath.lineto(mwidth / 4, mheight); marrowpath.lineto(mwidth / 4, mheight / 2); marrowpath.lineto(0, mheight / 2); shape pathshap = new pathshape(marrowp,maxwidth,maxheight); shapedrawable shaped = new shapedrawable(pathshap); shaped.draw(canvas); //display in ondraw(canvas canvas)

i have got next result


i'm not able draw required expected result, i'm failed understand/find path configuration parameters displaying next result! i'm failed increment length, width size of arrow line.

expected result:

any help grateful !

you can utilize canvas.rotate() method rotate arrow


path marrowpath=new paint();; marrowpath.rewind(); marrowpath.moveto(mwidth , mheight / 2); marrowpath.lineto(mwidth / 2, mheight ); marrowpath.lineto(mwidth / 2, mheight* 3 / 4); marrowpath.lineto(0, mheight* 3 / 4); marrowpath.lineto(0, mheight/ 4); marrowpath.lineto(mwidth / 2, mheight/ 4); marrowpath.lineto(mwidth / 2,0); marrowpath.lineto(mwidth , mheight / 2); shape pathshap = new pathshape(marrowp,maxwidth,maxheight); shapedrawable shaped = new shapedrawable(pathshap); shaped.draw(canvas);

android android-canvas android-view android-shape

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