Tuesday 15 April 2014

joomla - How to append a random number as parameter in URL -

joomla - How to append a random number as parameter in URL -

i have problem caching in site , think comes template using (jsn gruve). caching still working after disabling in joomla settings ( global configuration, scheme plugin , modules )

one way thought around problem rewriting url , adding random number or session id @ end of it, forcefulness page loaded , not displayed cache.

is there way this?


using jquery have managed assign custom string @ end of each link on main menu of site.

jquery( document ).ready(function() { jquery('.menu-mainmenu').find('a').each(function() { jquery(this).attr('href',jquery(this).attr('href')+'?zid='+math.random()); }); });

joomla url-rewriting joomla3.3

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