Sunday 15 June 2014

data binding - Select option value - selectedchoice is not working -

data binding - Select option value - selectedchoice is not working -

i binding select html tag dynamic values using knockout js. additionally, trying set selected selection failing. please suggest going wrong.

self.level1choices.selectedchoice = ko.observable(2); - line not seem work.

the jsfiddle code @ dropdown not loading in jsfiddle reason. dont think have referenced knockout js correctly. in local environment, able load select box values. however, not able set selected value.

@wayne ellery, @qbm5 - please advise since know :)

you should utilize var declare model object avoid scoping issues

var viewmodel = new datamodel();

the main issue need add together datamodel exposing through variable in datamodel.

var datamodel = function (client) { var self = this; self.level1choices = ko.observablearray(); };

take @ helo world illustration how this:

i've scoped self it's best practice not worry referring else mentioned here:

i moved loadallapprovers method within datamodel belongs , has access populate datamodel. added mobile services client constructor can mocked testing model.

var datamodel = function (client) { var self = this; self.level1choices = ko.observablearray(); var loadallapprovers = function () { var allappprovers = client.gettable('table'); var query ="id", "firstname").read().done(function (approverresults) { self.level1choices(approverresults); }, function (err) { console.log("error: " + err); }); }; loadallapprovers(); };

you missing knockout in jsfiddle.

data-binding knockout.js

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