Sunday 15 June 2014

ios - Tableview / ScrollView within the UIPageController cause crash while navigating to next Page -

ios - Tableview / ScrollView within the UIPageController cause crash while navigating to next Page -

i have uipageviewcontroller holds 2 screens.

self.pagecontroller = [[uipageviewcontroller alloc] initwithtransitionstyle:uipageviewcontrollertransitionstylescroll navigationorientation:uipageviewcontrollernavigationorientationhorizontal options:nil];

and 1 of screen contains tableview on iphone /collection view on ipad.on user event setting contentofset move tableview bit

[table setcontentoffset:cell.frame.origin animated:yes];

then user navigates next screen using uipageviewcontroller

above usecase causes crash on app next logs

2014-11-14 09:04:46.783 tibbr[12329:79833] *** assertion failure in -[_uiqueuingscrollview _setwrappedviewatindex:withview:], /sourcecache/uikit_sim/uikit-3318.16.14/_uiqueuingscrollview.m:338 2014-11-14 09:04:46.786 tibbr[12329:79833] *** terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsinternalinconsistencyexception', reason: 'unexpected subviews' *** first throw phone call stack: ( 0 corefoundation 0x0000000113512f35 __exceptionpreprocess + 165 1 libobjc.a.dylib 0x0000000111be7bb7 objc_exception_throw + 45 2 corefoundation 0x0000000113512d9a +[nsexception raise:format:arguments:] + 106 3 foundation 0x00000001115c15df -[nsassertionhandler handlefailureinmethod:object:file:linenumber:description:] + 195 4 uikit 0x00000001108715e0 -[_uiqueuingscrollview _setwrappedviewatindex:withview:] + 215 5 uikit 0x0000000110871b0a -[_uiqueuingscrollview _replaceviews:updatingcontents:adjustcontentinsets:animated:] + 672 6 uikit 0x0000000110873e57 -[_uiqueuingscrollview setview:direction:animated:completion:] + 524 7 uikit 0x00000001107d5e16 -[uipageviewcontroller _setviewcontrollers:withscrollindirection:animated:completion:] + 483 8 uikit 0x00000001107d5f78 -[uipageviewcontroller setviewcontrollers:direction:animated:completion:] + 157 12 uikit 0x000000011024e8be -[uiapplication sendaction:to:from:forevent:] + 75 13 uikit 0x0000000110355410 -[uicontrol _sendactionsforevents:withevent:] + 467 14 uikit 0x00000001103cf9ea -[uisegmentedcontrol _setselectedsegmentindex:notify:animate:] + 570 15 uikit 0x00000001103d1a0f -[uisegmentedcontrol touchesended:withevent:] + 143 16 uikit 0x00000001105fb540 _uigesturerecognizerupdate + 9487 17 uikit 0x0000000110293ff6 -[uiwindow _sendgesturesforevent:] + 1041 18 uikit 0x0000000110294c23 -[uiwindow sendevent:] + 667 19 uikit 0x00000001102619b1 -[uiapplication sendevent:] + 246 20 uikit 0x000000011026ea7d _uiapplicationhandleeventfromqueueevent + 17370 21 uikit 0x000000011024a103 _uiapplicationhandleeventqueue + 1961 22 corefoundation 0x0000000113448551 __cfrunloop_is_calling_out_to_a_source0_perform_function__ + 17 23 corefoundation 0x000000011343e41d __cfrunloopdosources0 + 269 24 corefoundation 0x000000011343da54 __cfrunlooprun + 868 25 corefoundation 0x000000011343d486 cfrunlooprunspecific + 470 26 graphicsservices 0x0000000113e859f0 gseventrunmodal + 161 27 uikit 0x000000011024d420 uiapplicationmain + 1282 28 tibbr 0x000000010cb942d1 tibbr + 58065 29 libdyld.dylib 0x0000000112660145 start + 1 ) libc++abi.dylib: terminating uncaught exception of type nsexception

kindly suggest me root cause of issue

ios uitableview uipageviewcontroller

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