Sunday 15 June 2014

How to convert from world coordinates to pixel indices in Matlab -

How to convert from world coordinates to pixel indices in Matlab -

i have 512x512x313 volume of dicom images , have point represented in world coordinates (57.7475 63.4184 83.1515), how corresponding pixel coordinate of world coordinate in matlab??

i hate burst bubble, asking impossible. way can think of able correspondence between real-world co-ordinates , pixel co-ordinates if calibrate camera used capture images. 1 time know intrinsic , extrinsic parameters, have transformation matrix can map real-world co-ordinates pixel co-ordinates.

i'm assuming don't have calibration info camera, , alternative approach knowing pixels in image map real-world co-ordinates. need know point correspondences between points map between real-world , image. 1 time know this, compute photographic camera transformation matrix through least-squares , utilize matrix determine points map real-world image.

unless have pixel correspondences each of real-world co-ordinates, impossible you're asking.

fwiw, if want see procedure on how obtain transformation matrix, check out these notes: great starting point me when started learning photographic camera calibration. take @ section #5 (page #8), believe looking for.... need have correspondences between real-world co-ordinates , image.

good luck!


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