Tuesday 15 July 2014

Firebase / AngularFire limited object deletes its properties on $save() -

Firebase / AngularFire limited object deletes its properties on $save() -

i have primary node in database called 'questions', when create ref node , bring project $asobject(), can modify individual questions , $save() collection without problems, seek limit object, priority, $save() deletes off of object!

this works fine:

db.questions = $firebase(fb.questions).$asobject(); // later : db.questions.$save(); // db.questions object many 'questions', can edit , resave please

but switch code this:

db.questions = $firebase(fb.questions.startat(auth.user.id).endat(auth.user.id)).$asobject(); // later : db.questions.$save(); // db.questions empty firebase object without 'questions!'

is there limitation limited objects (pun not intended) , ability changed , saved?? saving saves updates questions database, somehow nukes local $firebase object...

first line of synchronized arrays ($asarray) documentation:

synchronized arrays should used list of objects sorted, iterated, , have unique ids.

first line of synchronized objects ($asobject) documentation:

objects useful storing key/value pairs, , singular records not used collection.

as demonstrated, if going work collection , employ limit, behoove utilize tool designed collections (i.e. $asarray).

if recreate behavior of $save using firebase sdk, this:

var ref = new firebase(url).limit(10); // ref.set(data); // throws error! ref.ref().set(data); // replaces entire path; same $save

thus, behavior here matches sdk. cannot, technically, phone call set() on query instance , doesn't create sense, really. limit(10) mean json object? if phone call set, 10 unordered keys should set? there no correlation here , limit() makes sense collection of data, not list of key/value pairs.

hope helps.

firebase angularfire

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