Tuesday 15 July 2014

linux - check if the input is a vowel -

linux - check if the input is a vowel -

i origin bash scripting , implementing of have studied in other programming languages bash. have check if user has entered vowel character. came this:

#!/bin/bash read -p "enter something: " char if [[ $char -eq [aeiouaeiou]* ]]; echo "vowel" else echo "consonant" fi

but when run on ideone, error:

prog.sh: line 3: [[: [aeiouaeiou]*: syntax error: operand expected (error token "[aeiouaeiou]*")

can please tell me wrong here , how go correcting it?

i know other not-so-clean way have multiple conditions ||ed together. trying avoid that.

you need utilize == operator glob matching:

#!/bin/bash read -p "enter something: " char if [[ "$char" == *[aeiouaeiou]* ]]; echo "vowel" else echo "consonant" fi

-eq - used matching numbers

as per man test:

integer1 -eq integer2 integer1 equal integer2

linux bash scripting

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