Tuesday 15 July 2014

Managing multiple anylogic simulations within an experiment -

Managing multiple anylogic simulations within an experiment -

we developing abm under anylogic 7 , @ point want create multiple simulations single experiment. different parameters set each simulation run generate results little suite of standard scenarios.

we have experiment auto-starts without need press "run". subsequent pressing of run increment experiment counter , reruns model.

what we'd way have auto-run, or single press of run, launch loop of simulations. within loop programmatic adjustment of variables linked passed parameters.

edit- 1 wrinkle parameters strings. optimization or parameter variation experiments don't lend enumerating set of strings be used across set of simulation runs. can set a string per parameter simulation runs within 1 experiment.

we've used help sample "running model outside without presentation window", add together auto-run capability initial experiment setup block of code. method wait run 0 complete, dispatch run 1, 2, etc, needed.

pointers tutorial models such features, or snip of code experiment's java blocks much appreciated.

maybe don't understand need sounds you'd want utilize "parameter variation" experiment. can specify parameters should varied in steps , running experiment automatically starts many simulation runs needed, without animation.

hope helps


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