Tuesday 15 July 2014

Installing New Relic .NET Agent in an Azure Web Role -

Installing New Relic .NET Agent in an Azure Web Role -

i configured free standard version of new relic in azure portal in add-ons section. created new web role , i'm deploying asp.net application web role. added newrelicwindowsazure bundle nuget. re-deployed web application , i'm getting nil registering in new relic command panel.

i believe issue not having agent installed on machines when new total installation. when rdp instance , install agent seems work fine.

how can shoehorn installation deployment? see nuget bundle added newrelic.cmd in root of web app, tried add together azure cloud service project in servicedefinition.csdef file so:

<startup> <task commandline="newrelic.cmd" executioncontext="elevated" /> </startup>

it seems installing -something-, looks new relic server agent installed not started, , don't see base of operations apm agent. how can automate installation successfully?

here answer. had apply more settings task:

<task commandline="newrelic.cmd" executioncontext="elevated" tasktype="simple"> <environment> <variable name="emulated"> <roleinstancevalue xpath="/roleenvironment/deployment/@emulated" /> </variable> <variable name="isworkerrole" value="false" /> <variable name="license_key"> <roleinstancevalue xpath="/roleenvironment/currentinstance/configurationsettings/configurationsetting[@name='newrelic.licensekey']/@value" /> </variable> </environment> </task>

azure azure-web-roles newrelic

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