Friday 15 August 2014

iphone - iOS different validating results when archiving with different device selected -

iphone - iOS different validating results when archiving with different device selected -

i'm developing app supporting minimum ios 6 using xcode 6.1. when archiving , validating app using xcode, noticed next difference:

when having iphone 6 selected, product -> archive -> validate, got validation faliure:

but when having ipod running ios6 selected, same thing, passed validation:

my question is:

what difference when having different devices selected produce archive?

in case, should do? should submit archive 1 passed validation, or should debug 1 failed validation, submit one?

ps: architecture setting:

i found out why...

because in architectures settings, have build active architecture only set yes, when have iphone 6 selected when archiving, xcode builds architectures iphone 6 has. setting build active architecture only no makes builds same, , validation passes.

ios iphone xcode validation

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