Friday 15 August 2014

(Java Beginner) - Having trouble with a program -

(Java Beginner) - Having trouble with a program -

ok working on programme involves loans , gives info user loans user inputs.

the purpose of programme writing user asked input loan amount , number of years have pay off. 1 time user has given information, programme take loan amount , number of years , tell user annual involvement rate, monthly payment , total amount. also, if user enters loan amount of -1, programme supposed terminate.

below code far:

package loans; import java.util.scanner; public class loans { public static void main(string[] args) { scanner input = new scanner (; double monthlyinterestrate; double annualinterestrate; double monthlypayment; double total; double numberofyears; double loanamount; system.out.println("this programme compute monthly payments , total payments loan amount on involvement rates starting @ 5%, incrementing 1/8th percent 8%."); //formula calculate monthly involvement rate: monthlyinterestrate = (annualinterestrate/1200); //formula calculate monthly payment: monthlypayment = (loanamount*monthlyinterestrate); //formula calculate annual involvement rate: annualinterestrate = (1-(math.pow(1/(1 + monthlyinterestrate), numberofyears * 12))); //formula calculate total payment: total = (monthlypayment*numberofyears*12); while(true) { system.out.println("please come in in loan amount."); double loanamount = input.nextdouble(); system.out.println("please come in in number of years."); double numberofyears = input.nextdouble(); system.out.println("interest rate: " + annualinterestrate); system.out.println("monthly payment: " + monthlypayment); system.out.println("total payment: " + total); } } }

this not compile , i'm not sure why. (again, i'm beginner)

the errors receiving on line reads "double loanamount = input.nextdouble();" , line reads "double numberofyears = input.nextdouble();".

the error first line says, "duplicate local variable loanamount".

the error sec line says, "multiple markers @ line - line breakpoint:loans [line: 39] - main(string[]) - duplicate local variable numberofyears"

any feedback appreciated.

the error pretty much self explanatory. have defined both "loanamount" , "numberofyears" 2 times in main. either rename them or declare them once.

if beginner in coding recommend utilize ide eclipse or netbeans. point out compilation errors along suggestions on how prepare them.


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