Monday 15 September 2014

javascript - I get this error on net::ERR_CACHE_MISS -

javascript - I get this error on net::ERR_CACHE_MISS -

i found prepare 1 else advice have problem when loading , unloading content , trying load new content div.

this code i'm using load content hidden div, loads content, fades , scrolls top of document if needed. heres code loading content:

$(".director").click(function(){ // .director class of links var href = $(this).attr('href'); $('#cont_nota').load(href); $('#cont_nota').fadeto( 500, 1).css('opacity','100'); $("html, body").animate({ scrolltop: 0 }, "normal"); homecoming false; });

now within loaded content utilize code close window , unload content:

$("#cont_nota").click(function(){ $('#cont_nota').fadeto( 500, 0, function(){ $("#cont_nota").empty(); }); });

it works couple of clicks after few clicks nil happens, code stops working , can see in javascript console rue next legend:

failed load resource: net::err_cache_miss

this seems error in chrome developer tools console (see post on so: bizarre error in chrome developer console - failed load resource: net::err_cache_miss)

i'v been going eve , i'm sure can give me hint.

javascript jquery google-chrome

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