Monday 15 September 2014

node.js - How do I update npm on Windows? -

node.js - How do I update npm on Windows? -

when install node 0.10.33 msi ( ), old version of npm (1.4.28). how can upgrade npm on windows?

npm install -g npm

does not work; still have old npm.

you need follow windows upgrade instructions ( )

tl;dr - npm -g install npm does work, old version of npm still in path.

to prepare this, 1 of these:

option 2: remove both of

c:\program files (x86)\nodejs\npm

c:\program files (x86)\nodejs\npm.cmd


option 3: open cmd.exe administrator, navigate c:\program files (x86)\nodejs , run installation without -g:

npm install npm@latest

windows node.js npm

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