Monday 15 September 2014

PHP date timestamp timezone not converted properly -

PHP date timestamp timezone not converted properly -

so have code:

$timestamp = 1414708099; echo $timestamp; $date = date_make_date($timestamp, 'utc', 'datestamp'); date_timezone_set($date, timezone_open('america/new_york')); $timestamp = $date->format('u'); echo '<br>'; echo $timestamp;

which supposed convert timezone of initial timestamp utc new york.

but ends printing


hence timezone didnt change...

what did wrong?

btw uses drupal 6 date_api.module:!date!date_api.module/function/date_make_date/6

as per comments

a timestamp always utc. can't apply time zone timestamp - consider timezone 0. whatever do, stays 0. asked date formatted u - manual states this:

u: seconds since unix epoch (january 1 1970 00:00:00 gmt).

you can't seconds unix epoch new york. number same location in world. now, had formatted date using, say, $date->format('y-m-d h:i:s') correctly formatted time timezone offset new york.

long story short - there no problem whatsoever here. works intended.

php date datetime timezone datetime-format

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