Monday 15 September 2014

jquery - How to reset the states of (UNDO & REDO) button on froala editor -

jquery - How to reset the states of (UNDO & REDO) button on froala editor -

hi using froala editor save html each stages ..

consider there 3 stages.. a,b , c ..

froala editor 1

$('#txt_blog_editor').editable({ });

the div same 3 stages stages can created dynamically .. have issue here redo , undo buttons..


on click of stage , type "this stage a"

then press stage b

the div cleared , type "this stage b"

here when press undo button text changes "this stage a". want clear redo undo history/cache/buffer , ctrl + z on click of stages .

is there direct method in froala destroy history or reset state of redo & undo buttons.

you have clear undostack.

$(your_selector).data('fa.editable').undostack = []; $(your_selector).data('fa.editable').undoindex = []; $(your_selector).data('fa.editable').saveundostep();

or simpler:


jquery html editor undo-redo froala

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