Friday 15 May 2015

clojure - Difficulty using recent update to core.matrix.stats -

clojure - Difficulty using recent update to core.matrix.stats -

following github added dependency leiningen project file:

[net.mikera/core.matrix.stats "0.5.0"]

then in clojure code utilize this:

(use 'core.matrix.stats)

the result this:

filenotfoundexception not locate core/matrix/stats__init.class or core/matrix/stats.clj on classpath: clojure.lang.rt.load (

i examined lein .m2/respository directory , file core/matrix/stats-0.5.0.jar there , contain stats.clj. re-did lein deps, still file-not-found exception. has else had difficulty? utilize incanter, simple project core.matrix.stats enough.

looking @ sources, namespace seems clojure.core.matrix.stats, seek this:

(use 'clojure.core.matrix.stats)

(and yes, readme seems outdated.)

matrix clojure statistics

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