Friday 15 May 2015

java - Spring ftp configuration is wrong -

java - Spring ftp configuration is wrong -

i have poll ftp location. testing purpose have created ftp site on machine using iis manager. listens @ port 21 , started.

the dependancies proper project

this xml configuration spring ftp

<bean id="ftpclientfactory" class="org.springframework.integration.ftp.session.defaultftpsessionfactory"> <property name="host" value="localhost"/> <property name="port" value="21"/> <property name="username" value="icmas"/> <property name="password" value="kavita12"/> <property name="clientmode" value="0"/> <property name="filetype" value="2"/> <property name="buffersize" value="100000"/> </bean> <int-ftp:inbound-channel-adapter id="ftpinbound" channel="ftpchannel" session-factory="ftpclientfactory" charset="utf-8" auto-create-local-directory="true" delete-remote-files="true" local-filter="compositefilter" remote-directory="c:\ftproot" remote-file-separator="\" preserve-timestamp="true" local-directory="c:\data" > <int:poller fixed-rate="1000"/> </int-ftp:inbound-channel-adapter> <int:channel id="ftpchannel"/>

the filenamegenerator , compositefilter nowadays in code havent pated code here.

my problem local-directory getting polled instead of remote-directory. thought files read remote-directory location go filter , if successful go filenamegenerator , set in local-directory location. wrong code???

please right me if doing wrong.

need help on issue... please set in suggessions!!

have resolved issue.

firstly needed filter attribute rather local-filter there difference in them.

secondly , more importantly have given romote-directory location absolute path. needs relative ftp directory mentioned while creating ftp site.

thanks. hope useful someone!!

java ftp spring-integration

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