Friday 15 May 2015

javascript - How to handle large dropdownlist? -

javascript - How to handle large dropdownlist? -

using, have page formview. on insert , edit templates, there multiple dropdownlists depts , people. there multiple sections in these templates , there 3 sections each dept , people dropdown. guess there upwards of 100 depts , close 10000 people. requirement if user not know dept, can take people dropdown provide entire 10,000 listing of people.

needless say, pagesize of page on 5mb....i had increment default

what options in creating dropdown can handle lack of filter , allow me have much more manageable pagesize size? there in ajax or javascript?


there lot of tutorials on this. thought have autocomplete control, textbox, when type , lets have typed 'abc', ajax phone call fetch records matching 'abc', results db via ajax, , show in selectable div, there can define events. don't have manage anything, except db phone call required data. autocomplete control job.

help links -

javascript drop-down-menu formview

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