Monday 15 June 2015

First Android app: pictures not refreshing -

First Android app: pictures not refreshing -

im new java , android programming , trying write first android app. app shows 3 dices, , depending on combination dices show, app says "yes" "no" or "ultra yes". problem is, when hitting button re-roll, pictures of single dices not updated , reply wrong (i hope somehow clear mean)

in screenshots can see mean. first image right (2 dices showing same numbers means "no"). nail reroll button 1 time again , somehow pictures didn't updated.. occures randomly, works right 10+ times.

the code of app:

thanks in advance newbie ;)

your random dice number generation wrong. creates random number 1 seven.

this long shot, since reply "ultra yes", 3 dice same value. maybe got lucky 7, 7, 7, in case no images updated. alter random generation to

(int) (math.random() * 6 + 1)


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