Monday 15 June 2015

javascript - Multiple baseUrl in RequireJS config -

javascript - Multiple baseUrl in RequireJS config -

i have 2 locations javascript files, possible set 2 baseurls can move them later without having update loads of paths?


require.config({ baseurl: 'bower_components', paths: { backbone: 'backbone/backbone', underscore: 'underscore/underscore' } }); requirejs.config({ baseurl: 'js', paths: { main: 'main' } });

this format overwrites baseurl on sec call. declare 2 variables hold this, there more elegant, requirejs-ish way of doing this?

i don't believe possible. require's not going seek loading 1 base-url , fall retry others upon failure. if don't want paths in scripts' require calls can consider specifying bundles. see configuration docs. set path config app js/main.

javascript requirejs

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