Monday 15 June 2015

javascript - I'm trying to embed text in my HTML using this code, but I keep getting this error -

javascript - I'm trying to embed text in my HTML using this code, but I keep getting this error -

this question has reply here:

generic solution of 'x-frame-options' 'sameorigin' issue 1 reply

the code:

<object type="text/html" data="">

the error:

refused display '' in frame because set 'x-frame-options' 'sameorigin'.

same reply here: generic solution of 'x-frame-options' 'sameorigin' issue

google telling visitors' browsers should not display in frame.

you have 4 options:

talk whomever runs , convince them not link them instead of trying shove them frame don't point visitors them @ proxy site , point iframe @ proxy (this may step copyright infringement territory)

javascript html html5 cross-domain

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