Monday 15 June 2015

map - How to add text inside HTML5 Canvas Pushpins - BingMap -

map - How to add text inside HTML5 Canvas Pushpins - BingMap -

i next bing map concave illustration link

i wondering if possible add together text within concave pushpin? have tried with

context.font = "15px arial"; context.filltext("33", 5, 50);

but shows text underneath pin not within pin.

i can add together text normal force pin not sure if possible concave;

var offset = new microsoft.maps.point(0, 5); var pushpinoptions = { text : '1', visible: true, textoffset: offset};

you have draw text on canvas. html5 canvas pushpin class overrides default template pushpins , replaces html5 canvas. want display on pushpin has drawn on canvas. here simple example:

context.font = "30px arial"; context.filltext("hello world",10,50);

map bing-maps pushpin

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