Tuesday 15 September 2015

rest - Cannot read property '_createInstanceCore' of null error in Breeze since "Datatype" is null for ComplexType -

rest - Cannot read property '_createInstanceCore' of null error in Breeze since "Datatype" is null for ComplexType -

i trying create array complex type in breeze,since complex type datatype coming 'null' ,the next code triggers exception

if (prop.isscalar) { val = prop.datatype._createinstancecore(entity, prop); } else { val = breeze.makecomplexarray([], entity, prop); }

please help me populate 'datatype' property of complex type.

entities used:

"dataproperties": [ { "name": "carriers", "complextypename":"carrier#test", "isscalar":false }]

the carrier entity defined below:

{ "shortname": "carrier", "namespace": "test", "iscomplextype": true, "dataproperties": [ { "name": "testing", "datatype": "string" } ] }

rest merge breeze complextype

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