Monday 15 February 2010

web services - Error: Unable to import binding 'CustomBinding_IWSTrustFeb2005Async' from namespace -

web services - Error: Unable to import binding 'CustomBinding_IWSTrustFeb2005Async' from namespace -

using / visual studio 2005 / 2012:

i have .wsdl file service provider, need test. ran wsdl.exe myfile.wsdl vs command promopt error:

error: unable import binding 'custombinding_iwstrustfeb2005async' namespace ''. - unable import operation 'trustfeb2005issueasync'. - element '' missing.

i tried add together web reference vs 2005 , vs 2012 throwing weird error.

- wsdl document contains links not resolved. - there error downloading 'file:///c:/users/abcd12/documents/visual studio 2005/mywebservicetest/mex.xsd'.

any thought what's wrong or should start looking into?

update: visual studio error adding reference gone 1 time removed entry type import referencing mex.xsd. vs giving same error command prompt.

update: looks wsdl corrupted. waiting provider give me updated wsdl.

i update here if need farther help.

some .xsd files imported in wsdl weren't provided me. 1 time got files, went fine.

web-services wsdl certificate ws-security

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