Monday 15 March 2010

Gulp: Object # has no method 'if' -

Gulp: Object #<Object> has no method 'if' -

i have cloned repo working gulpfile.js, , when running gulf on cloned repo, received error

object #<object> has no method 'if'

the offending task code: gulp.task('html', ['styles'], function () {

return gulp.src('app/*.html') .pipe($.useref.assets({searchpath: '{.tmp,app}'})) .pipe($.if('*.css', $.csso())) .pipe($.useref.restore()) .pipe($.useref()) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); });

i have installed gulp-if , gulp-csso. $

var $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')();

still learning gulp. not sure go here.

in package.json, gulp-if not listed under devdependencies.

"devdependencies": { . . . "gulp-if": "^1.2.5",

including eliminated error.

whenever installing development dependency, should affix --save-dev bundle automatically placed in package.json, , cloning automatically packages in package.json issuing npm install command.

npm install <package> --save-dev

gulp gulp-if

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