Thursday 15 April 2010

c# - How to remove a list of SyntaxNode from the Document using Roslyn code fix provider APIs? -

c# - How to remove a list of SyntaxNode from the Document using Roslyn code fix provider APIs? -

i'm having custom generated variable declaration using syntaxfactory.variabledeclaration , list of syntaxnode's collected according conditions.

i did following:

modify node

var newroot = root.replacenode(expression, newvariabledeclaration)

this modified node newvariabledeclaration.

in loop remove nodes corresponding ones nowadays in list

foreach (var listobject in listobjects) { newroot = newroot.removenode(listobject, syntaxremoveoptions.keepnotrivia); }

this doesn't alter newroot , listobject required changed remains same.

if utilize root.removenode(listobject, syntaxremoveoptions.keepnotrivia) instead will, obviously, maintain on replacing previous changes.

so here newvariabledeclaration only node changed in whole document, because newroot syntaxnodes have changes of syntaxnode obtained root.

please right me if i'm doing wrong.

edit: looked csharpsyntaxrewriter appears analyzing single node everytime it's visiting node , can modify single node @ time. in scenario, i'll have visit particular node, create changes it, , remove other nodes respect changes made visited node.

the problem approach whenever alter tree (using replacenode() or removenode()), means nodes alter well. why calls removenode() after replacenode() don't anything.

one way prepare utilize tracknodes(), can find nodes in modified tree correspond nodes in original tree.

uisng this, method replaces sequence of nodes single node this:

public static t replacenodes<t>( t root, ireadonlylist<syntaxnode> oldnodes, syntaxnode newnode) t : syntaxnode { if (oldnodes.count == 0) throw new argumentexception(); var newroot = root.tracknodes(oldnodes); var first = newroot.getcurrentnode(oldnodes[0]); newroot = newroot.replacenode(first, newnode); var toremove = oldnodes.skip(1).select(newroot.getcurrentnode); newroot = newroot.removenodes(toremove, syntaxremoveoptions.keepnotrivia); homecoming newroot; }

c# visual-studio-2013 roslyn vsix

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