Thursday 15 April 2010

less - lessphp: watch imported files, too -

less - lessphp: watch imported files, too -

an annoying problem had lessphp (and less compiling in rails or python/django) is watching file compile not imported files.

for illustration less construction looks this:

// main.less // (compiled styles.css) @import "variables" @import "objects" @import "theme"


// theme.less // (actual styles) body { background:#efefef }

so actual compiled file root import styles , files work on. everytime create alter on styles(theme.less) have edit main.less gets recompiled.

is there alternative check files changes on client-side compile(less.js)?

when inspect source of php lessc compiler, can found @, found script evaluate modification time of less file have passed argument.

when less files in /home/project/less can add together instance next code within while(1) loop in bin/less, around line 125:

while (1) { clearstatcache(); //keep original code here $dir = '/home/project/less'; $dh = opendir($dir); while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) { if(preg_match('/\.less$/',$filename) && filemtime($filename) > $lastaction) { $updated = true; break; } } if($updated) break; }

less lessphp

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