Wednesday 15 September 2010

java - How to make CDI decide the implementation to use according to generic type of the bean -

java - How to make CDI decide the implementation to use according to generic type of the bean -

this is, briefly, architecture:

what want accomplish create cdi inject right implementation of bo within controller, , right implementation of dao within bo accourding generic type of controller.

how can accomplish that?

i solved problem using javax.enterprise.inject.instance object encapsulate bo's , dao's. way:

@inject private instance<crudbo<t>> bo; public crudbo<t> getbo() { homecoming bo.get(); }

just create things clear, crudbo interface genericcrudbo implements, so, knowing default genericcrudbo annotated @default, annotated specialized classes @alternative:

@alternative public class specializedcrudbo extends genericcrudbo<specificclass>{ }

i declared alternatives bo's , dao's in beans.xml:

<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemalocation=""> <alternatives> <class></class> ... </alternatives> </beans>

and cdi can handle generic java beans @ runtime, because dont have create tons of boilerplate classes.

java generics cdi

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