Wednesday 15 September 2010

rmi - Error in main - access denied ("" "" "connect,resolve") -

rmi - Error in main - access denied ("" "" "connect,resolve") -

this question has reply here:

java rmi accesscontrolexception: access denied 2 answers

i've been trying run rmi illustration have been getting above error on both linux , windows. have seen people same problem online in different situations.

my server class is:

import java.rmi.*; import java.rmi.server.*; public class cityserverimpl extends unicastremoteobject implements cityserver { cityserverimpl() throws remoteexception { super(); } public string getcapital(string country) throws remoteexception { system.out.println("sending homecoming string - country requested: " + country); if (country.tolowercase().compareto("usa") == 0) homecoming "washington"; else if(country.tolowercase().compareto("ireland") == 0) homecoming "dublin"; else if (country.tolowercase().compareto("france") == 0) homecoming "paris"; homecoming "don't know one!"; } public static void main(string args[]) { seek { system.setsecuritymanager(new rmisecuritymanager()); system.out.println("security manager set"); cityserverimpl cityserver = new cityserverimpl(); system.out.println("instance of city server created"); naming.rebind("capitals", cityserver); system.out.println("name rebind completed"); system.out.println("server ready requests!"); } catch(exception exc) { system.out.println("error in main - " + exc.tostring()); } } }

i set interface, cityserver class , client class folder , set next terminal.

javac -cp . *.java rmic cityserverimpl rmiregistry & java cityserverimpl

and back:

security manager set instance of city server created error in main - access denied ("" "" "connect,resolve")

the 'naming.rebind("capitals", cityserver);' appears problem. have found mentions of policy file have been told should run fine without one. both client , server running on same pc. thought on how around this?

you defined rmisecuritymanager, did not grant permissions execute code. can define policy specified here , pass in 1 of 2 ways.

java<path> set code system.setproperty("","<path>");

i recommend reading this tutorial oracle.

this should duplicate of old question.

java rmi

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