Wednesday 15 June 2011 - c# caching meta data content causes Index was outside the bounds of the array - - c# caching meta data content causes Index was outside the bounds of the array -

on our application have class controls cache of info reused. have code year, lately, application ( mvc 5) grows, giving error index outside bounds of array when attempting add together more info it. prepare restarting iis server.

how improve / modify code?

public class datacache { private static dictionary<string, cacheentry> _cacheentries = new dictionary<string, cacheentry>(); public static bool exists(string cacheid) { // check if cache entry valid. if (_cacheentries.containskey(cacheid) && datetime.utcnow < _cacheentries[cacheid].cacheuntil) homecoming true; homecoming false; } public static object get(string cacheid) { // homecoming entry. if (_cacheentries.containskey(cacheid)) homecoming _cacheentries[cacheid].data; else homecoming null; } public static void put(object cacheobj, string cacheid, datetime cacheuntil) { // create new cache entry. cacheentry e = new cacheentry() { info = cacheobj, cacheuntil = cacheuntil }; // delte pre-existing items. if (_cacheentries.containskey(cacheid)) _cacheentries.remove(cacheid); // insert cache. _cacheentries.add(cacheid, e); } class cacheentry { public object data; public datetime cacheuntil; } }

c# garbage-collection

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