Wednesday 15 June 2011

c# - PhoneGap client with ASP.NET server -

c# - PhoneGap client with ASP.NET server -

recently, started looking building server handle http requests , user authentication web api 2. aimed @ allowing mobile client, built phonegap, interact server.

i followed several guides found on web , these sample projects built successfully. however, every tutorial found included web pages in project. want know if viable have web pages solely stored in client, server can deed info provider , authenticator only.

here mutual scenario can think of:

1. app sends request retrieve list of items 2. server receives request 3. server queries db , retrieves list of items 4. server serializes list json object , send app 5. app receives list of items , updates page new info

if previous architecture not viable, means need have web pages included in server project , compiled core logic code. statement correct?

did take on posts building simple authorization server using web api 2 , owin, building client application using angularjs?

i strict in post separate between (authz server/resource server) , (front end application). check posts , source code samples.

hope start you.

c# cordova

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