Wednesday 15 June 2011

cookie issue with same domain same port but different path -

cookie issue with same domain same port but different path -

i have situation web application respond cookie rules=abcdefg each request.

request 1:

http : //hostname:8080/teja/axftyo (for request setting cookie path below, response server)

set-cookie: rules=hce0f290b77137721c2f6107dd4b62f28;path="/teja/axftyo"

request 2:

http : //hostname:8080/teja/bcdefg

i assume request 2 rules cookie should not sent, still browser sending cookie in server.

how can accomplish functionality of browser sending different cookies based on path (/bcdefg) rather application name /teja

thank you.

cookie paths work on directory level. /dir/a , /dir/b considered in same scope cookies.

/dir/a/ , /dir/b/, on other hand, distinguishable, consider adding trailing slashes urls.


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