Wednesday 15 June 2011

How can I control spotify music from a different app and pull information such as playlist and track currently playing? (ANDROID) -

How can I control spotify music from a different app and pull information such as playlist and track currently playing? (ANDROID) -

how can command spotify (for example) music different app (the 1 i'm making) , pull info such playlist , track playing? (android)

i want build prototype app command spotify's musicplayer (play, pause, next, previous, etc) , pull info of current track playing , playlist songs in queue.

i tried using audiomanager, worked default android media player. (it play/pause devices media player doesn't work spotify or 3rd party apps)

control default music player of android or other music player << tried this

after that, tried using code on 2nd best reply of post, , worked android default music player.

i found spotify's android beta api's shouldn't utilize them comercial use.

what suggestions can guys give me?

right trying prototype creating button play/pause music playing spotify.

testing on android 4.4 samsung gs5

i think going through spotify's android beta api's way go if want spotify specific features (playlist, radios, user info, ...).

the non commercial utilize means need contact them , negotiate right utilize if plan on selling app using apis. maintain in mind still beta api thing might change, might have modify app.

if want title , artist of song, , able command "play", "pause", "next", ... yes might able go around controlling default music player.

android music spotify android-audiomanager spotify-queue

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