Wednesday 15 June 2011

uinavigationbar - Prevent UISearchController from hiding view Navigation Bar in IOS8 -

uinavigationbar - Prevent UISearchController from hiding view Navigation Bar in IOS8 -

i have uiviewcontroller embedded in popover. controller has 2 subviews, uinavigationbar , uitableview. seek implement new search api (as searchdisplaycontrolled deprecated in ios8).

when click in search bar (displaying 2 scopes), right, , navigation bar still visible. when start typing in search bar, navigation bar disappears, replaced blank area. tried add together self.searchcontroller.hidesnavigationbarduringpresentation = no; in updatesearchresultsforsearchcontroller: method, got no result. (note controller viewdidload defines self.definespresentationcontext = yes;)

any thought forcefulness navigation beingness displayed anytime?

i seeing same effect - in case setting property in viewdidload in view controller made navigation bar stick around:

- (void)viewdidload { ... self.definespresentationcontext = yes; ... }

when i'd set same property class managing search (initialized after -viewdidload had been called on vc), saw same behaviour of blank nav bar describe.

ios8 uinavigationbar uisearchcontroller

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