Monday 15 August 2011

xcode6 - Swift - save audio recordings -

xcode6 - Swift - save audio recordings -

it much appreciated if can help me following.

i want record sound , display on table view.

i have got recording part

func setuprecorder() { var format = nsdateformatter() format.dateformat="yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss" var currentfilename = nametextfield.text println(currentfilename) var dirpaths = nssearchpathfordirectoriesindomains(.documentdirectory, .userdomainmask, true) var docsdir: anyobject = dirpaths[0] var soundfilepath = docsdir.stringbyappendingpathcomponent(currentfilename) soundfileurl = nsurl(fileurlwithpath: soundfilepath) allow filemanager = nsfilemanager.defaultmanager() if filemanager.fileexistsatpath(soundfilepath) { // won't happen. want it? println("sound exists") } var recordsettings = [ avformatidkey: kaudioformatapplelossless, avencoderaudioqualitykey : avaudioquality.max.toraw(), avencoderbitratekey : 320000, avnumberofchannelskey: 2, avsampleratekey : 44100.0 ] var error: nserror? recorder = avaudiorecorder(url: soundfileurl!, settings: recordsettings, error: &error) if allow e = error { println(e.localizeddescription) } else { recorder.delegate = self recorder.meteringenabled = true recorder.preparetorecord() // creates/overwrites file @ soundfileurl }`

i using model consists of 2 properties.(title"string" , media"recording")

having problem saving audio(nsurl) , displaying on tableview.

i noob can see , help great!


most you'll need session created:

var session=avaudiosession.sharedinstance() session.setcategory(avaudiosessioncategoryplayandrecord,error:nil)

swift xcode6 avfoundation avaudiorecorder

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