Thursday 15 September 2011

7zip - SevenZipSharp in C# Compress files with all path folders -

7zip - SevenZipSharp in C# Compress files with all path folders -

i have code

sevenzipextractor.setlibrarypath(@"c:\program files\7-zip\7z.dll");//x64 var cmpr = new sevenzipcompressor(); cmpr.compressionfinished += (s, e) => { dof.dofinishevent(); cmpr = null; }; cmpr.begincompressdirectory("c:\\58", "c:\\table\files\today\58.7z");

this code work, when open 58.7z must open folders(table/files/today , see inside). maybe isset possible save without absolute path? thanks!

according the source code, there boolean flag purpose:

/// <summary> /// gets or sets value indicating whether preserve directory structure. /// </summary> public bool directorystructure { get; set; }

c# 7zip

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